Watch out, food, Aisling is on the attack!
Here she was munching her Puffs quietly, holding the container herself like a big girl, sticking her hand in and taking out a few every so often. Then, in the blink of an eye...a shower of Puffs and one excited little girl. Now she can choose which one she wants from a pile! (Yes, she pulled all the laundry out too...not one for cleaning up yet, clearly).
Then today, she managed to pull the Hershey's syrup (yes, I keep a ginormous-size bottle on hand at all times) out of the door of the fridge when I was getting out lunch. Oh, she was excited about that bottle! I don't think she actually got any chocolate, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time before she figures out flip-top caps. She looks so excited about it...clearly she takes after me when it comes to chocolate!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Is there anything better than the aroma of freshly-baked banana bread? I don't think so. This morning I made mini loaves four ways: plain, with nuts on top, with chocolate chips on top, and with mixed nuts and chocolate chips on top. Mmmm. I love that something I find repulsive (over-ripe bananas) can turn into something delicious, and that I don't have to waste food and money by throwing out my brown (black?) bananas. Recipe is from New BH&G.
On Top of Old Smokey...
I think of that childhood song every time I make meatballs. And they really are "all covered with cheese"...last night's dinner: Mozzarella Meatballs & Pasta. Anthony loves meatballs, as he said so eloquently last night, "Their name is as beautiful as they are in form and function." haha.
Monday, September 21, 2009
The Best Thing(s) I Ever Ate
1. Where: Emeril's Restaurant in New Orleans, Louisiana, January 2003. Anthony and I took our first vacation together to New Orleans (we consider ourselves so lucky that we got to experience it pre-Hurricane Katrina, and we would love to go back someday.)
What: Filet mignon, mashed potatoes, buffalo-sauced calamari, flourless chocolate cake, and wine. Hands down, the best meal I've had to date. My first experience with very rare meat--I ordered steak medium-well back then, and when I tried to do so, our awesome waiter gently informed me that the flavor and quality of the meat would be severely compromised if cooked that long, and that they recommended it rare. So that's what I came out red and bloody and probably one step removed from mooing...and it was freakin' delicious, melt-in-your-mouth-like-butter good. Everything we had was fantastic, but the steak is the memory that really stayed with me. It's the meal to which I compare all other fine dining experiences.
2. Where: McDonald's in the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, October 2005. I know, you're saying "What the hell?" Let me explain...on our ill-fated honeymoon in Cancun, my husband and I ended up being stuck in the middle (literally) of the strongest hurricane in recorded history (Wilma). We were evacuated from our beautiful resort on the tip of the Yucatan Peninsula to a cinder-block high school compound in downtown Cancun, where each classroom held 30 beach chairs as beds, the windows were boarded up, and the cuisine ranged from rice with hotdog chunks and shrimp in it to a sort of tuna salad gravy on bread. mmm. (Not that I am complaining, the staff took great care of everyone in a crazy scary situation, but I'm just trying to set the scene here.) We were there for 4 days while weathering the storm and then, until we were able to get an emergency flight out of the (closed) Cancun airport, a resort in Riviera Maya for a few more days (with roommates, since it was full of romantic) where the food was actually really good (for example, I ate croissants slathered with Nutella for breakfast every day), but we just wanted to go home and know it was over and we were safe, and we couldn't. When we finally did get out, we flew from Cancun to Dallas, and while waiting for our flight to KC, we went to the food court.
What: A quarter-pounder with cheese, fries & ketchup, and a huge Diet Coke. Disgusting at any other time, as I generally dislike fast food intensely, however, at this moment, it was so familiar, so American, so tasted SO GOOD. I ate every last bite, and it was amazing.
3. Where: Labor & Delivery Unit of Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois, September 2008. I know, another "What the hell?" I had just delivered our baby at 2 o'clock in the morning, and my last meal had been at noon. Fourteen hours of labor, with nothing but ice chips and water for sustenance, made for one exhausted and ravenous new mom. My nurse, bless her heart, brought me a snack box prepared by the hospital cafeteria once all the hubbub had quieted down.
What: Sandwich made with processed turkey and American cheese on white bread, a single serving package of Fig Newtons, a carton of milk which smelled just like the ones in elementary school (i.e., vaguely sour and paper-y), and a mini box of Sun-Maid raisins (which I did not eat, as I despise raisins with the passion of a thousand suns. I was starving, but not crazy). I hate white bread and processed cheese/meats, but much like the McDonald's hurricane experience, the stress and excitement made it seem absolutely delicious! I devoured both the sandwich and the Fig Newtons, which were heavenly, in record time, and then happily spent the rest of the night in post-delivery insomnia watching U.S. Open tennis matches and writing in Aisling's baby book.
Emeril's Photo Credit.
McDonald's Photo Credit.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Steak: It's the Manly Meat
Last night, my wonderful husband decided to give me a night off of cooking and made me a Saturday night special: filet mignon and potatoes au gratin with salad, bread, and pumpkin ale. Yessssss! A perfect fall meal, and I didn't have to lift a finger (except to set the table...a meal of steak and specialty beer requires the good china and crystal, of course!)
Delicious. I am a lucky woman :)
Friday, September 18, 2009
Apple(s) of My Eye
Our latest favorite apple: Ginger Gold, an early-season apple. With the sweetness of Golden Delicious and a hint of tartness like Granny Smith, it's a little piece of crunchy delight. And at $6 for 5-1/2 pounds (thanks Costco!), the price can't be beat. Yum!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
So I finally saw "Julie and Julia" on Tuesday (thanks Jenny, it was fun!)...I thought it was a very cute movie and I liked learning about Julia's cookbook. In the spirit of cookbook love, I thought I would share my 2 go-to cookbooks and my full collection (ever-growing!). My mom gave me both the "Better Homes & Gardens New Cookbook" and the "Betty Crocker's Picture Cookbook". They are both antiques (BH&G is a 1968 edition, BC is 1950!), tried and true, and are my trusted guides whenever I have questions or want to find a base recipe to start from when making adjustments to a dish. Love.
Side note: My mom wrote a note in the BH&G when she came to stay for a week last year after Aisling was born and I just found it a couple months ago. It is next to the recipe for "Everyday Waffles" (a family favorite!) and says "I love you, Riss. -Mom" Simple, but profound. I was immediately transported back to those crazy, surreal newborn days and bawled like a baby thinking of how much she helped us and how loving she is, not to mention all the fantastic food she made for us. Dammit, I'm getting all misty again just writing about it. She is amazing. :)
Last Night's Dinner
I made Cavatini (Mom's recipe) with Italian sausage and bowtie noodles. Added some veggies for extra nutrition: red peppers, carrots, celery, and onion. Of course I overcooked it in this damned too-fast oven...still pretty yummy though. Served with salad, garlic bread, and a crappy Chianti. Voila!
Dessert was a recipe for lemon bars off the label on a can of store-brand condensed milk. I substituted fresh lime juice for lemon since I had a bunch of limes turning brown in the fridge. They were good, but a little custard-y for my taste (I was hoping for lemon-bar consistency, but the condensed milk made them a lot creamier/richer than that). Not too bad though, just don't eat three in one sitting, haha.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Fall Themed Carrot Cake
Can't wait to taste it...carrot cake made 100% from scratch to bring to the Greenblatts' football season kickoff party.
Recipe: Ruth Glass' Carrot Cake (Rane gave me this recipe a few years ago, Ruth Glass is the wife of owner of the Royals), with homemade cream cheese frosting and decorated with mellowcreme pumpkins. (Not decorated very well, granted, but decorated nonetheless).
I tweaked the recipe a bit:
- reduced oil from 1-1/2 c. to just under 1 c. (1-1/2 c. of oil is A LOT, and it made it kind of greasy the first time I made this recipe)
- added 1 t. nutmeg
- reduced nuts from 1 c. to 3/4 c. (because not everybody likes a lot of nuts. And yes, I'm giggling at that line.)
- used 1 t. each of baking powder and soda instead of 2 t. soda.
German Food is Awesome
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Adventures in Pork
Disclaimer: Yes, I know that this picture looks disgusting. I forgot to take one before dinner. It didn't look this bad in person, I swear. Also, my husband chuckles every time he sees the title "Adventures in Pork." And I have to admit, I do too...what can I say, our minds are in the gutter.
Anyway...tried a new recipe tonight: "One-Pan Roasted Pork Supper" from KF&F (Winter 2008); it was decent but I wasn't overly impressed. I was excited since 1)it was an easy casserole type meal that has sweet potatoes (!) in it and 2) I could just pop it in the oven and forget about it. I used 3 pork chops (they were pretty thick so I cut them into 2 cutlets each). Since the pork chops were cut thinner and I cut the sweet potatoes fairly small, I baked it about 40 minutes instead of the 45-60 called for in the recipe. The sweet potatoes/onions were tossed in Catalina dressing, which was a bit sweet for me, next time I might try a vinaigrette or maybe just BBQ sauce or something. I had a box of cornbread stuffing mix which was ok, but extremely salty, so I will make my own stuffing mixture next time. A BBQ sauce/cornbread stuffing/chicken breast version of this recipe sounds tasty.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Aisling's Birthday Weekend
We trekked to KC for Labor Day weekend to see the family and celebrate Aisling's birthday with a bumblebee-themed party...a lot of work, but a lot of fun! My cake turned out ok after a long, torturous battle with frosting that melted, wouldn't turn the right color, and came out of a battery-powered cookie press looking like ass. Thankfully Rane saved the day and fixed my screw-ups, and everyone had a good time and some yummy cupcakes and hot dogs!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Happy Birthday, Aisling!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Making Aisling's Cupcakes
Chose a different (read: easier!) recipe than the TOHM one, since I knew I'd be baking/frosting after she went to bed tonight and needed something less time-intensive. They didn't get the nice round tops that I like, think I may have overstirred the batter a bit. But they smell delicious and I can't wait to taste them with the first lemon cream cheese frosting I've ever made. Now, do I wait till tomorrow for her birthday breakfast to break them out, or eat one (or maybe two) tonight?
Power of the Mind...
So I had one of those weird early-morning, between-conscious-and-unconscious dreams 2 days ago at about 4 a.m. The subject: Twinkies. I have not eaten a Twinkie in probably 5 or 10 years, but since that weird dream (which I will chalk up to the sleep-deprived, zombie-like state in which I have found myself for the last week...or year, to be more accurate), Twinkies are on my mind constantly! I finally caved today and bought a box...while it was not exactly the world's greatest dessert, and I am kind of wondering why I thought these were so good as a kid, I am not going to lie. I'm probably going to have another one in a minute. haha.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Cupcakes for the Birthday Girl
I have decided to try a new cupcake recipe for Aisling's birthday on Thursday, since we're having her party on the weekend and will have the bee cake then, we need some kind of cake for her actual birthday! I'm thinking lemon...must search for recipes that only make 12 cupcakes or so, since we won't be able to eat a huge batch before we leave on Saturday (welll...I could eat a huge batch of cake but I shouldn't, haha). More to come...
Found a recipe: Lemon Curd Cupcakes, from TOHM Apr/May '07.
Found a recipe: Lemon Curd Cupcakes, from TOHM Apr/May '07.
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